1.Ordinary Session:
Every calendar year of its term, The House Of Representatives holds one ordinary six-month session, unless The King dissolved the House before that term expires and the King may prolong the term of the ordinary session for a period of not more than three months.
2. Extraordinary Session
The extraordinary sessions are held after ordinary session being prorogued .The constitution grants the King the right to ask the absolute majority of the members of House Of Representatives that there is a need for it. The Royal Decree determines the session terms during which the council role is limited to the matters mentioned therein.
3. Non-ordinary Session
The non-ordinary session is held in the case of the election of the House of Representatives after the period stipulated in constitution for the ordinary session and it is 1/ October and The King may adjourn the session holding up to 1/December of every year. The period of such non-ordinary session shall not exceed 30/September under the Article (78) of the constitution and it is included under the terms of extension and postponement.